Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Promises, Promises

So I've made myself a promise and it is time to start figuring out how to keep it.

One project on each continent, yikes!

I am a little sad that I have already ticked Africa off the list, because for me it was very easy in Ghana. Lets face it, I had a great dose of beginners luck in Ghana, most of which is attributable to the beautiful spirit of the people of Ghana who helped create the Omenako School Project .

And make no mistake, just because I am ticking Africa off my list should by no means indicate that my commitment to Ghana is finished. It may never be and I realise that going forward some of these undertakings may never be fully finished and I will support each of them in any way I can until the day I die.

But getting backing to the core question; where and how next?

I am beginning by breaking down possible locations on each continent where I can identify the most need combined with my ability to get there (logistics) and the ability to engage online (language) and the ability to undertake projects without fear (security). Obviously, The Sudan needs a lot of help, but I won't be going there anytime soon.

Through a combination of persperation (research) and inspiration (people responding) Ghana showed me the way. But where is the next Ghana and how can I connect online without a common language?

I am also beginning to try and learn from the past. A number of factors intersected to make Ghana work. Those factors need to be identified and considered as prerquisites for the next project.

Obviously, common language is one of those factors, but it is probably one that I will have to let go of. It is unrealistic to think that I will be able to do this again in my native tongue. Maybe its time to learn a little Spanish. Hasta la vista!

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