Tuesday, September 29, 2009

22 Hours On A Plane

AirflightImage by rosefirerising via Flickr
Are you kidding me? I have committed myself to sitting on a plane for 22 hours. While this is not airtime, it is likely that my actual sitting time will be closer to one full day. Let me say that another way, I will be sitting on the same plane, without interruption for twenty four hours.


One plane, one people one planet, but one entire freaking day?

The worst part will be coming back. During my trip to Ghana I realized that it is worth suffering the awfulness of overseas air travel when there is a prize at the end. Prior to coming home, for a fleeting second I considered trying to make a go of it in Ghana, just so I could avoid the flight home.

And those flights were two nine hour segments. Seems like chicken feed compared to the daunting journey ahead.

On the upside, the travel time is about as quick as you can get on commercial, and I know that there will be an amazing pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Doesn't really matter, cos I'm locked in now, and my heart is starting to pound with fear and anticipation. That feels about right.

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